[ Wireframe
] - [ Unit Graphics] - [
Portraits ] - [ Unit Stats ] - [
TBL Editing ]
YoshiCraft is being made for no other reason
than to have fun. No profit shall be made off of it's production.
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I've been making YoshiCraft in order to have
fun with the great game Starcraft in many other ways.. I've been modifying
games ever since Command & Conquer: Tiberium Dawn and I intend to continue
in creating new, strange, and more interesting mods in the future of various
games. YoshiCraft is full of changes on every unit. These changes may include
a different portrait, new sounds, new unit graphics, new weapons, new orders/statistics,
etc. Of course my ultimate goal of YoshiCraft will have all units' portraits,
graphics, sounds, and stats changed.
NOTE: This information may be outdated,
so more efficient methods may be available
Unit Wireframes are simply frames in a *.GRP
file (wirefram.grp), but editing them can be confusing to some. Terran
units use a select few colors off of the color palette, as do Zerg and
Protoss. Terran & Protoss use the same colors in their wireframes.
Zerg and it's organic wireframes use certain colors different from the
Terran & Protoss colors. Each different color in the Terran & Protoss
wireframe colors represent a different color in the damaged state of a
unit. The colors don't necessarily equal the same colors that will appear
when the unit is hurt. For instance, an orange in the actual file may appear
red in the game at times and yellow at other times. In making wireframes,
i suggest you build on an original frame of a wireframe instead of creating
a blank new one and trying to convert it to make it compatible.
Unit Graphics:
In making the graphics of the units, I use
a program called "RetroGRP". I know that most people probably use the stardraft
cwad manager's converter, but I prefer using RetroGRP. I'm used to it and
it seems more dependable for me. The file types of the unit graphics in
Starcraft are *.GRP's. RetroGRP requires that you make all of your frames
as *.BMP's and that they are in compressed RLE format with the same color
table as that of one of the units in Starcraft. RetroGRP also requires
that you create a text list of all of the frames (graphics files) you want
to include in the *.GRP and in the order you want to have them in the *.GRP.
At the very top of this list you need to type the name of the *.GRP file
when it is finished compiling all of the frames.
This list would continue on to the hundreds,
because the marine *.GRP has hundreds of frames. note: The basic rotation
of a unit has 17 frames.
Portrait changing is a section I have not
mastered (yet). What I do know is that the portrait files of Starcraft
are *.SMK files (or smacker media files). In order to edit these files
you need a Smacker Program. You can probably find one from http://www.smacker.com.
With this program you can extract frames from the *.SMK files and study
their format and what you need to do to make them compatible with Starcraft.
note: Compatibility attributes may include: color palettes, image mode,
file format, etc.
Unit Statistics:
I used to use SC Unit to edit unit statistics,
but I have now succumbed to using the very user-friendly arsenal of stardraft's
CWAD Manager. Editing unit statistics is by far, the easiest part, but
it does allow you to change the most and create the most interesting affects
on a unit and in the game. All I can tell you (that will be of some use)
is that each sprite in starcraft has is own behavior and abilities.
Ex: a zergling sprite attacks ground
and burrows.
The zergling sprite cannot attack air. Thus you
cannot simply switch a marine's graphic index to use a zergling's sprite
and expect a game to go long. Once a marine tries to attack an air unit
the game will crash. This is because the program doesn't know what to show
when a zergling sprite needs to attack air. It was not programmed to. Same
goes for switching a zergling's graphic index to use a marine's sprite.
If the zergling(w/ a marine graphic) were to try to burrow the game would
also crash. In conclusion to this, making a non-burrowing sprite/graphic
burrow and making a non-spellcasting sprite spellcast isn't possible with
TBL Editing:
Editing the stat_txt.tbl file isn't hard,
but isn't very important for a tc. Changing commands, hotkeys, unit names
and ranks does add a nice effect to your conversion though. Editing a TBL
used to be much harder, but now you can just double-click on the stat_txt.tbl
file in the CWAD Manager in Stardraft. You can then edit the names of units,
buildings, spells, upgrades, weapons, etc.