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You can email me at [email protected]
Would you like to help?
Map Help
- I'm currently looking for someone
who is familiar with making UMS (use map settings) maps for starcraft and
willing to make maps for YoshiCraft. I am eager to create a maps
section for YoshiCraft. I had planned to make maps for YoshiCraft
myself, but I find it takes too much time out of my already limited time
to spend on making YoshiCraft. Benefits of doing this would include:
receiving prereleased versions of YoshiCraft, possibly making your own
ideas to be incorporated into YoshiCraft and taking some of the credit,
and having fun making good maps and releasing them to people.
- If you wouldn't like such a big committment,
but you have made or make maps for YoshiCraft, you can send them to me.
I'll put them up once I make a maps section. And please don't rip
other people's work off. Using somone's idea for a map is reasonable
as long as you give the original maker credit, but taking a map and simply
rearranging a few things and taking credit for it just isn't right.
Beta Testers
- Though I do plan to do most of the
betatesting myself and between some of my friends, it's always good to
have a couple of extra beta testers to report any bugs. Being a beta
tester doesn't mean that you'll be getting a new version every week, but
you will receive new versions when many new things have been made.
You would need to play/test the different sides their units, because I
often miss bugs due to a lack of time and will-power. If your interested,
email me. I'll most likely take the first 5 people to email me about
Site built December 07, 1999 |