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Monday, May 9, 2000 -
Last Post here at FC. New site address
I've decided to stay permanently at TopHost2k.
FortuneCity now
offers 100 MB of free space, so I will continue to add to the downloads
and maps sections
to mirror the TopHost2k site's.
For news updates and progress of the TC, go to the TH2k site; it also has
a new layout. This one will remain here as a memory.
Saturday, April 29, 2000 -Spring
Break Progress
I hadn't done as much as I had hoped
I would during break, but I did manage to get a lot done. However,
most of it wasn't related to YoshiCraft.
started work on WormCraft,
based on the Worms
game by Team 17.
I managed to make and animate the Uzi, Shotgun,
Bazooka, Flame-thrower, and Jetpack
worms in a few days. If you want something
to try out, you can d/l what I had so far here.
It solely has graphical changes on the Terrans only and isn't compatible
with non-WormCraft
multiplayer due to iscript.bin changes. Here's the Jetpack
Worm, just to let you know that these graphics
are custom made.
I also created a page for PokeCraft.
I am also helping with that TC. You can take a look at it here.
I know I promised to have completed an awesome new unit sometime after
break, but I doubt that I'll be able to. I lost the sketch of the
new unit for the Titan
(Goliath). Instead, I made the new Gundam
It looks awesome and should make up partly for the absence of the new Titan.
Here's a shot of the Gundam in
mobile mode.
Thursday, April 6, 2000 -
The Guyver
is complete.
can enhance its bio-chemical functions to become a High
Guyver. In High
Guyver form, the unit has the Wandering
Essence spell, which allows it to jump into,
and become, an enemy unit. Equipped with massive blades, the Guyver
attack twice in a row. Its stealth allows it to sneak up on its enemies
to make quick kills and easy escapes.
project has been brought back to life: the 3d version of the Tripod.
I abandoned the project before due to a lack of memory and basically a
piece of crap computer, but now I finally have my memory. I worked
on it a little bit and here's what I have so far. I will also be
giving the Tripod
the Maximum Strike
spell, which is a long range tentacle attack which will require a full
mana charge.
Monday, April 3, 2000 -
Still Alive Here.
I haven't posted anything since the pre-final
release, but I have been doing a few things since then. Mostly, I've
been bugtesting and optimizing as I add new units, graphics, special abilities,
etc. You can expect a really, really, really nice unit some time
after spring break. This will be an awesome unit that'll be sure
to knock your socks off (i hope).
Here are some things I did a while back but didn't
bother to update about. New graphics for the Battle
Walker, Drone,

All of these are in the game at this point.
The Guyver is
not fully compiled though. I've animated it's running animations
already, but I've only begun to make it's attacking animations. I'm
also trying to think of a new spell to give it. Oh yeah, it replaces
the dark templar unit.
Saturday, March 18, 2000 -
1.6 Pre-Final is Here!
It's finally here. Version
1.6, the preliminary release is now available.
Test it out, experiment with it, and send your bug reports to me. Email
me. Download it here.
Monday, March 13, 2000 -
What's Happening.
The site should be moving to TopHost2k
soon. It was having a few probelms which have delayed my moving to
it, but I have been told that everything is fine now. If YoshiCraft
Online is unable to move by the end of the
week, I will begin to set up the availability of YoshiCraft
1.6 here at FortuneCity.
I will just have to split the TC file.
One new feature unit is the NeoNinja.
I have already animated it and made it work well in YoshiCraft.
Saturday, February 26, 2000 -Progress
Progress is getting better. I'm
doing more with 3d Studio Max.
I've just recovered from being really sick, and now I've resumed work on
I know I promised to release it a long, long time ago, but I really wanted
to make it better by adding new units and making a lot of nice new graphics
with the use of 3d Studio Max
and iscript.bin editing.
Here are the new things I've added. I plan
to do a lot at this time, and I truly hope to release YoshiCraft
1.6 by the end of the month. Go ahead
and guess which unit each will replace. Then check your answers in
the Units Page. If you have your own suggestions,
feel free to tell them to me.
Monday, February 7, 2000 -
YoshiCraft Online is
moving to TopHost2k.
There I will have a lot more freedom with space issues.
YoshiCraft 1.6 is
ready for release, but FortuneCity
doesn't allow any one file to be larger than 10 megabytes, so I'll have
to wait until YoshiCraft Online moves
to tophost2k.combefore
I can put it up for download.
The Maps Section
is up! I made a YoshiCraft
UMS map but I won't be putting it up, because it will only work for YoshiCraft
1.6 and not any of it's preceding versions (including betas).
- (3) YC: Commando
Wars 1.0 (for YC 1.6).
I've also been making a 3d model of the Tripod
Studio Max, and I had almost finished it off...
but... something went terribly wrong when I saved the file. I guess
I ran out of memory and my computer restarted leaving me with the corrupt
file. Lucky for me, I had done some tests and saved a Tripod
file while it was in its previous state as another file. Anyway,
I'm just tired of my stupid computer, so I won't be finishing the Tripod
3d model for a while. Plus there's also schoolwork I need to do.
Well, here's what I had done.
I haven't changed its colors and in this one,
the top and torso aren't detailed.
Saturday, January 22, 2000
I've done some nice new things with the
iscript.bin things thanks to Camelot Systems.
I've finally managed to get the gundam
tank to shoot with a better looking weapon for one thing. I'm having
problems with this one thing though. I changed a unit to attack with
a projectile (instead of its normal no weapon graphic attack) to use the
photon cannon weapon sprite. Everything works fine for about 7 shots,
but then Starcraft
crashes back to Windows.
Well.. here's a screenshot of what the new
missile gundam attack looks like...
You can find more screenshots at the Screenshots
Thursday, January 12, 2000
I've now got my 3D
Studio Max working. In the past few days,
I've been able to improve a few of my units. Whether or not I go really
want to go and replace the old ones with these ones is uncertain, but I
am going to continue to make these models just as practice and for conceptualizing.
Here's a visualization of what a hunter looks
like close up.
The Mercenary Biker
Friday, December 24, 1999
The site was recently taken offline by
due to some unaddressed legal problems with the site. If you doubt
the intent of this site and its contents, please go to the
page to read the disclaimer.
Tuesday, December 21, 1999
The site is now fully-functional as far
as the basics are concerned. The About page
tells about what YoshiCraft is as well as how it has been made. The
page contains descriptions of each unit within YoshiCraft as well as their
progress; it also can take you to the
page. The Links page just has some links
to some other sites related to StarCraft Broodwar.
The Contact page tells you how and why you should
contact me.
I'm currently looking for a few mapmakers and
beta testers for YoshiCraft. Go to the Contact
page for details.
Friday, December 17, 1999
So far the site is progressing fairly
well... For those of you who want to get an early "test drive" of YoshiCraft,
you can get a beta version of YoshiCraft 1.6
(final is soon to be released).
Sunday, December 12, 1999
I've just created this site. I
hope that this attempt will stick. Just as a note for your convenience,
this site will contain news of the progress of upcoming releases of the
TC built for Starcraft
Broodwar by Blizzard.
On another note, I am a very unorganized, procrastinating
person. Ultimately I won't be updating this site very steadily.
That is why I suggest that you use the abilities of NetMind.
When you assign a site to NetMind's Mind-it,
they will send you a notice if the certain site has been changed with the
option for it to check daily, every few days, weekly, etc. Since
I don't want you to have to keep checking back looking for any changes,
I suggest you use Mind-it.
Lastly, if you'll notice the many advertisement
banners throughout the site, they are fairly good deals for people who
want a little extra cash. If you'd like a better idea of how to utilize
service to earn money more efficiently, email me at [email protected].
Site built December 07, 1999 |